Tuesday, October 25, 2011

one week till nanowrimo: time to panic?

For National Novel Writing Month (a week from today: EEEP) I was planning to do this big epic self-discovery-in-your-30s road trip novel, with stories-within-stories and a parallel historical story mixed in there and Native American mythology and some magical realism type stuff and it was going to be big and weird and grand. And now I'm thinking... maybe not. Partly because my outline is really patchy, and partly because it's starting to seem like an American Gods knockoff. (I didn't mean for it to be, honest, but once I started thinking about it, there are similarities.) I'm sure I'll write it one day, because it's one of my older (and possibly better) ideas and the characters refuse to leave my head, but... maybe not yet. I don't think I'd do it justice right now.

So I've gone from having an idea with a patchy outline to, um, no idea and no outline, with a week to go. Time to panic? I think yes. But there's no way I'm sitting out on the fun this year, so I'll come up with something.

Am working on a post about why the Occupy Wall Street protesters are whiners with an entitlement complex. This is probably going to be my next paper topic, except said in a more scholarly (I hope) way. Will try to have that up in the next couple of days.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Writing this post is just another way of procrastinating

So it's four o'clock on a Saturday afternoon and, so far, I have avoided doing any homework at all. Actually, I've avoided doing a blessed thing worth mentioning. Except checking Facebook every hour, even though there's nothing new on there, because, y'know. Facebook.

This is Not A Good Thing. I have a new major paper to be working on, for one thing, and about half a dozen different ideas for what I could do with it, and it is time to decide and come up with a thesis statement and find an external source (WOO! I feel like a big wheel finding my own source. Haha.). Not to mention that I need to pay some attention to calculus sometime before that exam on Monday.

Also, National Novel Writing Month starts in 9 days. I don't have an outline ready, of course. (Uh-oh.) I think I've had a complete, detailed outline maybe 1 out of the 4 years I've done it? Tellingly, I  never produce anything that's a) finished and b) worthy of being read. By humans, anyways. Some of it might be okay for goldfish, or hamsters. I don't know.

So. Now it's almost 4:30 and I'm going to go get on all of that. After I check Facebook one more time.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I can haz blog.

Since most first blog entries are lame, I'm going to keep this one very short and post a better one later.

BUT FIRST! Here is a lolcat.